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Welding Services (SMAW, GMAW & GTAW)

Your Welding Services (SMAW, GMAW & GTAW) Experts
SMI’s Fabrication Shop has a vast selection of welding machinery to perform all types of welding processes. We carry these machines in multiple quantities to satisfy shop and field welding workloads. SMI’s welders are certified in structural and piping welding processes. SMI has the tools, know-how, and qualified staff to handle any Welding Project.
SMI’s Machining & Turning Equipment:
Miller Trailblazer 302 (Multi-Process)
Lincoln 350MP Pulse MIG (GMAW)
Miller 180 MIG (GMAW)
Miller Dynasty 210 (GTAW)
Lincoln LN-25 MIG (GMAW)
Lincoln 256 MIG (GMAW)
Lincoln Square Wave TIG-200 (GTAW)
Miller Maxstar 161 (GTAW)
Miller Multi-Operator CST 8-Packs (SMAW, GTAW & Air Carbon Arc Cutting)
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